M.P. Evans Group PLC is a responsible producer of sustainable Indonesian palm oil, striving for excellence in all the Group’s operations, with a focus on continuing growth and offering an increasing yield.
After a significant amount of investment, the Group now manages over 65,000 hectares of planted oil palm in Indonesia and operates six palm-oil mills. In 2023, the total crop processed by the Group was over 1.6 million tonnes of fresh fruit bunches, and production was in excess of 450,000 tonnes of palm product (a combination of crude palm oil and palm kernels).
M.P. Evans has a long-standing commitment to progressive shareholder returns. The total dividend paid in respect of 2023 was 45 pence per share.
49,600 planted hectares majority owned
Annual crop growth 11% average in decade to 2023
378,500 tonnes of crude palm oil produced in 2023

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M.P. Evans Group PLC is traded on the London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market (AIM).