Board evaluation
The board has been committed to an on-going self-evaluation process since 2018, the most recent having been completed in 2023.
As part of an internally conducted exercise board members were invited to provide anonymous feedback to the company secretary by way of free comments within topic areas including board composition and structure, skills, areas of responsibility, conduct of meetings, decisions-making, committees, culture, risk management, stakeholder engagement, board evaluation and effectiveness of the chair. Given that two new board members had joined since the previous board evaluation, it was particularly helpful to receive their first impressions of how the board functions. The comments, which revealed significant consensus among board members on many of the areas, were compiled into a report by the company secretary, forming the basis of a board discussion led by the chairman. This resulted in a number of agreed areas of focus, which included on- going monitoring of board skills and composition, considering metrics and/or other means to assess the effectiveness of the board’s decision making, and considering whether it would be useful to establish a separate ESG committee of the board.
Maps and locations
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See details of our Group board and senior management.
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