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Simpang Kiri

Mature oil-palm estate in the province of Aceh, near the border with North Sumatra, which was acquired in the early 1980s. Ffb are processed in a nearby third-party mill. A further 2,100 hectares were acquired in early 2023.

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

4,500 hectares

Scheme-smallholder planted area

300 hectares


Mature (ex-rubber) oil-palm estate near the town of Pematangsiantar in North Sumatra. Ffb are processed in the neighbouring Bukit Marajah mill, owned by the SIPEF Group - also the majority shareholder in Kerasaan

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

2,300 hectares (Group minority share: 38%)

Pangkatan group

Grouping of three estates (Pangkatan, Bilah, Sennah) whose fruit is processed in a 40-tonne mill built on Pangkatan in 2005. Combination of a long-established, mature (ex-rubber) oil-palm estate (Pangkatan), and land subsequently acquired or planted (Bilah and Sennah).

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

7,000 hectares

Scheme-smallholder planted area

1,100 hectares

Musi Rawas

Located in South Sumatra province near the town of Lubuk Linggau, the project was started in 2012 and has now reached the target of at least 10,000 planted hectares. A 60-tonne mill was commissioned in February 2023.

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

7,500 hectares

Scheme-smallholder planted area

2,900 hectares


Located on the island of Bangka, the land was acquired in 2005. The first areas planted started production during 2009. A 45-tonne mill with composting facility and biogas plant was commissioned in May 2016 and extended to 60 tonnes in 2019.

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

6,100 hectares

Scheme-smallholder planted area

3,900 hectares

Kota Bangun Estates

Located in East Kalimantan, close to Kota Bangun and next to the Mahakam river. There are two mills on site: a 60-tonne mill commissioned in December 2012, and a 45-tonne mill commissioned in September 2020. A further 5,000 planted hectares were acquired in November 2023 to increase mill utilisation with Group crop.

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

14,300 hectares

Scheme-smallholder planted area

5,700 hectares


Oil-palm estate in East Kalimantan, acquired in November 2023, near to the Group’s Kota Bangun estates. Majority of planting took place between 2017-20. Ffb currently being supplied to a third-party mill for processing.

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

2,700 hectares

Scheme-smallholder planted area

600 hectares

Bumi Mas

Located in East Kalimantan, north-east of Sangatta next to the Manubar river. The land was acquired in 2017. It was largely planted in 2012-14, with the first harvesting taking place during 2015. A 60-tonne mill was commissioned in August 2021.

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

7,500 hectares

Scheme-smallholder planted area

1,400 hectares

Bertam Properties

This land was previously the Group’s Bertam Estate, all of which has now been sold to Bertam Properties, a joint venture with two Malaysian partners. Starting in 1992, the area has been developed into a new town. The remaining developable area is 201 hectares.

At 31 December 2023

Bertam Properties: 313 hectares
Group minority share: 40%

Mature oil-palm estate in the province of Aceh, near the border with North Sumatra, which was acquired in the early 1980s. Ffb are processed in a nearby third-party mill. A further 2,100 hectares were acquired in early 2023.

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

4,500 hectares

Smallholder co-operatives planted area

300 hectares

Mature (ex-rubber) oil-palm estate near the town of Pematangsiantar in North Sumatra. Ffb are processed in the neighbouring Bukit Marajah mill, owned by the SIPEF Group - also the majority shareholder in Kerasaan

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

2,300 hectares (Group minority share: 38%)

Grouping of three estates (Pangkatan, Bilah, Sennah) whose fruit is processed in a 40-tonne mill built on Pangkatan in 2005. Combination of a long-established, mature (ex-rubber) oil-palm estate (Pangkatan), and land subsequently acquired or planted (Bilah and Sennah).

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

7,000 hectares

Smallholder co-operatives planted area

1,100 hectares

Located in South Sumatra province near the town of Lubuk Linggau, the project was started in 2012 and has now reached the target of at least 10,000 planted hectares. A 60-tonne mill was commissioned in February 2023.

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

7,500 hectares

Smallholder co-operatives planted area

2,900 hectares

Located on the island of Bangka, the land was acquired in 2005. The first areas planted started production during 2009. A 45-tonne mill with composting facility and biogas plant was commissioned in May 2016 and extended to 60 tonnes in 2019.

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

6,100 hectares

Smallholder co-operatives planted area

3,900 hectares

Located in East Kalimantan, close to Kota Bangun and next to the Mahakam river. There are two mills on site: a 60-tonne mill commissioned in December 2012, and a 45-tonne mill commissioned in September 2020. A further 5,000 planted hectares were acquired in November 2023 to increase mill utilisation with Group crop.

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

14,300 hectares

Smallholder co-operatives planted area

5,700 hectares

Oil-palm estate in East Kalimantan, acquired in November 2023, near to the Group’s Kota Bangun estates. Majority of planting took place between 2017-20. Ffb currently being supplied to a third-party mill for processing.

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

2,700 hectares

Smallholder co-operatives planted area

600 hectares

Located in East Kalimantan, north-east of Sangatta next to the Manubar river. The land was acquired in 2017. It was largely planted in 2012-14, with the first harvesting taking place during 2015. A 60-tonne mill was commissioned in August 2021.

At 31 December 2023

Group planted area

7,500 hectares

Smallholder co-operatives planted area

1,400 hectares

This land was previously the Group’s Bertam Estate, all of which has now been sold to Bertam Properties, a joint venture with two Malaysian partners. Starting in 1992, the area has been developed into a new town. The remaining developable area is 201 hectares.

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Find out more about M.P. Evans' planting profile and results.

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Scheme smallholder co-operatives

Smallholder co-operative schemes attached to the Group's projects have been developed, operated and certified by us.

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