Board working

The board currently comprises eight directors – two executive and six non-executive.
Since January 2020, one woman serves as a non-executive director and the Group has one woman, the company secretary, in its senior management. In addition to the executive directors’ responsibilities set out in their service agreements, all the directors have specific responsibilities under the AIM rules for companies and the Companies Act to manage the affairs of the Company. For example, any potential conflict of interest is declared to the chairman and, where judged to be material, the director withdraws from the meeting for the duration of the discussion on the topic and does not participate in any associated decision making.
The board meets formally at least five times per year and is provided with information which includes executive operating reports, management accounts and budgets. As relevant, it considers the expected economic, social and environmental consequences of all the decisions it makes. This aspect of its work is covered in the formal board evaluation. All directors have access to the advice and services of the company secretary and can also seek independent professional advice, if necessary, at the Company’s expense. Currently, the board retains Cavendish Capital Markets Ltd as the Company’s nominated adviser. The board additionally receives advice from independent professionals on legal matters, corporate public relations, taxation and the valuation of the Group’s property assets.
As relevant, it considers the expected economic, social and environmental consequences of all the decisions it makes and where appropriate consults with its stakeholders. For more information, visit Stakeholder awareness and engagement.
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